After purchasing a set of Real Techniques makeup brushes for my sister this year and lecturing her on the importance of keeping them clean, I decided it would be a great time to write a blog on how to successfully clean your makeup brushes.
Think back, when was the last time you gave your makeup brushes a good and thorough cleaning? Our make up brushes are something we use on our faces everyday and can be rather costly to replace. Not only does cleaning help to make makeup brushes last longer, but it also gets rid of makeup build up, dirt, grease and bacteria (yuck!). The longer make up brushes are left without cleaning the more dirt and bacteria you are transferring to your face everyday, this increases the risk of nasty spots and breakouts.
What You Will Need:
- Your collection of make up bushes
- Baby shampoo or something similar
- A brush cleaner (not essential)
- A cloth to dry your brushes on
- The bathroom sink
Step by Step Guide to Brush Cleaning
Top Tip: wash your brushes when they have plenty of time to dry, a good time can be in the morning after applying your makeup or before a lazy movie day.
- Firstly gather all of your bushes and cleaning equipment
- Run your brush under warm water and remove any loose makeup (ensure the water is not hot as this can damage brushes), take care to avoid the bristles near the handle as water can weaken the glue which holds the bristles in place
- Apply a small amount of shampoo to your brush and swirl it around in the palm of your hand or in a brush cleaner
- Rinse the brush under running water
- Repeat steps 3 and 4 until the water runs clear
- Rest your clean brush on a cloth and wait patiently for it too dry!
Don’t forget to repeat all of the above steps on all of your makeup brushes.